Traveling by plane

The airports closest to Henningsvær are:


Usually the cheapest way is to fly from Oslo/Bergen/Trondheim to Evenes airport and then rent a car from there, or take the bus to Svolvær. From Svolvær you can either rent a car or take the bus going to Henningsvær. You might have to wait a bit in Svolvær for the departing bus to Henningsvær. See all routes at or just the airport bus between Evenes and Svolvær at

There isn’t always busses going around Lofoten, so make sure to check the time tables before you start your journey.

If you’re traveling to Henningsvær and Lofoten from Bodø, you have a few options to do the final stretch of the journey by boat.

  • Ferry from Skutvik to Svolvær (summer only)
  • Express boat from Bodø to Svolvær (summer only and no cars)

You’ll find time tables and tickets at

Traveling by car

If you’re coming to Henningsvær and Lofoten by car you can either drive all the way from wherever you’re traveling from, or you have several options to save some driving time by hopping on the boat:

  • Ferry from Bognes to Lødingen
  • Ferry from Bodø to Moskenes
  • Ferry from Skutvik to Svolvær (summer only)
  • Express boat from Bodø to Svolvær (summer only and no cars)

You’ll find time tables and tickets at Make sure that the boat you book takes cars if you’re driving. Express boats, or in Norwegian “hurtigbåt”, do not take cars.

If you don’t have your own car we recommend renting through a local Lofoten company like Rent a car Lofoten or Lofoten Rental car. International rental companies like Avis, Hertz, Sixt, Rent a wreck are also available, both at Evenes and Svolvær airport.

If you need to get a taxi from Svolvær you can book through or

Parking in Henningsvær

We have some parking spots right outside the factory reserved for out hotel guests, as long as there is space. You can get a parking permit in the reception at check-in.

If you’re visiting Henningsvær on a day trip we recommend the bigger public parking lot before you enter the town or the smaller ones around town. The public parking spaces require an hourly fee.

Traveling by train

Not the most common way to travel the North of Norway, but if you’re coming from the south of Norway you can take the train from both Oslo or Trondheim to Bodø, and from there take the boat, bus, or rent a car to get to Lofoten. If you’re traveling through Sweden you can take the train to Narvik and rent a car or take the bus from there to Lofoten. You’ll find train tickets at

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